Tuesday 13 October 2009

Week 1 - Missed Lecture

Unfortunately I manage to miss my first week of university and could not attend the first session of this module.

It seems to be an introduction to the module and to the assessment strategies so hopefully I didn't miss anything that I haven't been able to find out from the module booklet and associated websites.
I have Managed to buy David's book on Amazon and started reading one of the articles so by next week I will be able to write on here something much more useful and related to Judgement and decision making.

This week I have put some links to videos on the right hand side of the page, these videos might be useful. The top one is actually pretty good but rather long. However, some of them are not related to our module but I was unable to be too specific about which videos came up due to technological problems with the site.

Just in case that anyone does happen to read my Blog, could you please help me out with the following:
I have managed to Download and print the Mandeep K. Dhami paper on Psychological models of professional decision making BUT I am still unable to get access to the other articles, I have tried both the university catalogue and the direct links and none of them let me acess the full text...???....?? Any Ideas?

I will try and put up some sort of picture on every post (As you can see above) so that my Blog doesn't look boring, the picture will hopefully be related to that specific Blog.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Santiago,

    just a quick note to say well done on getting the blog set up, and adding some early comments.

